Use and forget
Generate an email address and forget about it after you use it. Your emails will be delivered to the comfort of your personal email address.
Keep your personal email personal
Throwaway emails forwarded to your personal email address
We generate throwaway email addresses so you can try new products and services with no risk. We deliver all emails from your generated accounts to your personal email address so you don't have to remember stupidly long emails.
Generate an email address and forget about it after you use it. Your emails will be delivered to the comfort of your personal email address.
We don't store your emails and we never analyze the contents of your messages. We only forward.
Next time you want to try a service or test out a product, don't give away your personal email address. Use The Other Mail instead.
Authenticate with your Google account, generate an email address, and start receiving emails to your personal email address.
Tired of receiving emails, but still want to keep your generated email address to check back on a website? Just deactivate it and reactivate later.
Completely free for life. Unlimited messages for up to 100 active emails.
No. If we notice an unusual amount of messages being forwarded, we will contact you.
We only store your personal email for fowarding, all temporary emails you've generated, the email addresses of senders who send to your generated emails, and received timestamps of incoming emails. We never store the contents of your email.
If you notice you are receiving spam from a sender, you can easily search by sender and disable the generated email.
To help our users keep track of emails that are no longer being utilized. If you are approaching your limit for generated email addresses, you may wish to disable email addresses that have not received any new emails.
No. To protect your privacy (and save us money), we don't store any emails.
Not at the moment. If you are interested in this, let us know.
We hope you find our service useful.
Feel free to get in touch with the team if you have any questions or suggestions.